All the World’s a Stage: The Rise of An Instagram-able Moment

  • Room: S330ABCD
  • Session Number:428
Monday, November 15, 2021: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Amber Davis
New Media and Digital Publicist
Adrea Gibbs, ICAE
Sr. Director Operations, Core Services
Meow Wolf
Howard Schwartz
Sr. Director Marketing and Sales
Kennedy Space Center


What do great museums and a great theme parks have in common? The power to pull us out of ourselves, and transport us to other places, new experiences, and ideas we could not imagine. They also offer incredible visuals.  Learn about the impact social media is having on the design of entertainment spaces, including how popular attractions are leveraging these "moments" via social media; the importance of unique and custom experiences, and social media trends in the industry.

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